As you can see, Nora and highchair didn't become best friends at their first introduction with each other!
A tale about being parents. The plans, the panics, the joys and everything else.
I have to admit, the thought that kept going through my brain once I was finally home alone with my darling little girl was "can we put her back in? Please, can we put her back in?" Looking back, life seemed so simple just anticipating her birth and her still being inside me. I cannot be the only one that had these thoughts. I had such an easy pregnancy, I was only finally getting a bit uncomfortable the last couple weeks. I couldn't complain...so I peed a lot, but I sure did eat well to make up for that little inconvenience! And now there is crying, up every couple hours instead of sleeping, stinky diapers...all the time, more crying...what is it she wants??? ARGH!