Saturday, January 13, 2007

One Step Closer

Well today we attended our "Prepared Birthing" Class...otherwise known as childbirth class. I guess it is just one more thing that makes me realize how close we are getting...that and my really large tummy!!! I think the goal of the class is to make childbirth less scary. It backfired! Now I am convinced Nora is going to somehow have to become some sort of master escape artist since I am not going to do it! I cannot say anyone looked remotely happy in the little videos we watch until after they were done. Hmm...let me sign right up for that! And then to find out not only to I have to give birth once...but low and behold even after Nora is here, my job is not done...I still have to push more stuff out. Good grief! George is really lucky I didn't know any of this 7 months ago. Can anyone remind me what the guy contributes to this whole process...seems a bit one sided if you ask me!!!!

I guess I will just have to keep clicking my little red shoes together saying "it is all going to be worth is all going to be worth it."


Heather said...

It is worth it! After we saw those videos, Mike leaned over to me and whispered... "Do you think you should shave first?" I replied with, "I can't even shave my legs right now!!"

Kristi said...

I was already beginning to wonder what scenario would be better once I cannot reach my legs anymore...hairy or having George help. Still debating that one!

Heather said...

It was the middle of summer for us. Mike learned how to shave my legs rather quickly. :)

Anonymous said...

Kristi and George,

I'm so excited I can't wait. Myndi has Spring Break from Mar 12 to 16 so start pushing. What is your actual due date? My "son" is gonna be a daddy. I feel so old!

Anonymous said...

I sure didn't have shaving on my mind when I was in labor!! Some things you just don't care about anymore when all kinds of bodily fluids are shooting out of your fun area!!!

Kristi said...

Nora is due to be here on March 30. Although we would love for Myndi to meet Nora sooner than later, I am afraid she may have to wait or just miss some school...hee hee. The time is flying and we need all we can get since we are also in the middle of looking for a house...of course if Nora does make an early appearance, you 2 can help us unpack! :-)