So just a few short hours after the doctor didn't think Nora would be here anytime soon we were on the way to the hospital. I guess Nora wasn't in favor of April 3 and decided she was going to be a March baby after all. At 8:30pm (
ish), the hospital verified my water did break, however my contractions weren't progressing as they should. So I received my first labor inducing cocktail via IV. I was lucky enough to get this cocktail my entire labor. Around 2am, I was not liking life at all and decided it was time to pull out the big drugs and get the epidural. I figured for sure I had to be about half way through this labor process, but much to my dismay I was still only at a "2". I guess I am not all that tough after all, but I sure did feel better. I was able to rest a bit and dad to be George was able to snore on the chair next to me. I wasn't sure if I totally liked the drugs...I really didn't like not being in control of my legs and the way they made me feel drunk times 100, but I did like that I didn't hurt for a few hours! We had to slow things down a bit for Nora during the middle of the night...I think it was all just happening a bit to quick for her. But all was pretty regulated by the morning and we started moving forward once again. About 11:30am we started pushing...and pushing...and pushing...noon came and went as did 1pm. Nora was being stubborn again...they think she was turned "sunny side up" which was giving me terrible back pain and they had turned off the epidural so I could feel what I was trying to do while pushing. I was exhausted and the contractions were kicking my butt! We took a short break while I decided if I wanted more pain drugs or not. I was given an
ultimatum...if I keep pushing I won't be able to have the drugs, if I wanted the drugs I would have to wait 30 minutes before I could continue pushing. After the next contraction and only wanting to push I decided to screw the drugs and just concentrate on getting Nora out!