Thursday, June 28, 2007

Eating Crow

I have had to eat a lot of crow in the past few years, but it seems like a daily event now that I have Nora. I don't even know if I know who that old Kristi was. Oh sure...she is still there, but her new role as mom has taken over everything. I was never going to be one of those moms who could only talk about their kid especially to those folks who didn't have kids. After all when I was kid-less it was cute for a minute or two then I could no longer relate...nor frankly did I really want to. Well, now it doesn't matter. Anyone and everyone is fair game when I gush about Nora. All they have to do just ask how she is and I can go on and on and on! I kind of feel sorry for the folks who are close to me all the time...but I am lucky enough to have great friends that humor me!!! And daycare...UGH! It is the now dreaded word. George and I are calling it school since it seems less horrible that way. I was always the person who said if I had kids I would definitely still have to work. I couldn't imagine staying home with a kid all day long every day. Oops...more crow! I still don't know if I could become a full time mom forever, but geez this is harder than I ever dreamed it would be. I hate that someone else is seeing my little bit more than I do each day. IT SUCKS! I know I am just going through the transition and that it will get better (it has to...there is no choice) but I dread the morning drop off. I thought the first day would be the worst, but for me it has gotten harder and harder as the week has gone by. I cannot wait for the weekend! Until then, I will just sit here in my pink shirt and munch down on more of this little thing known as crow.

1 comment:

Heather said...

You went back to work this week? It's hard, but you'll get used to it eventually. And you'll love how Nora starts to socialize with other kids. It's how I keep sending Thomas everyday without losing my mind. I'm hoping Vivian will have the same experience he has had. Go and have a good cry when you need to. I love you!