Friday, July 18, 2008

A Bunch of Firsts

Nora had a bunch of firsts on our trip to NY.
Here's the list...started saying "that", "weeee" and "up", rolled down a hill, got "mulled" by two beagles and a German Shepard, rode a 4 wheeler, a tractor and a horse, fed a goat, got licked by a cow, played put put (well kind of), was taught how to spit (I don't think she caught on thankfully) and stayed in a hotel. Not bad for a girl under a year and a half.

Mom and Dad realized their baby girl loves all animals...any shape and size...and the bigger and sloppier the kiss the better! I think she was slimed for more than half the trip thanks to dogs, goats and cows. We realized that dad stands for both Mommy and Daddy and the words 'Dad', 'dog' and 'that' sound oddly the same (only the trained ear of a Mommy or Daddy can distinguish). We realized she can say more words but pulls them out only when needed such as trying to get out of Aunt Heather's arms so she told her Daddy, "UP, UP!"

1 comment:

Karen Gifford said...

I thought I'd visit your blog to see how cute Nora is! Oh my Gosh..she is growing SO much! It feels like we were just at your baby shower!!! She is SO cute, she should be a little model!!!

Hope your NY trip was lots of fun!!!