Tuesday, August 11, 2009

When did your kid...

find there "privates?" Nora has always had a knack to find her vagina...but last night took the cake for sure. She has always found it a place to fondle every now and again...however, before bathtime yesterday, she came running out of her room naked yelling, "MommyMommyMommy!" When I looked over from the dishes, I see her grabbing her vagina. George turned white as a ghost not knowing how to respond. I just said, "HI baby" in hopes to distract from the obvious. And how exactly is a Mommy supposed to respond to such a situation...I'm torn...any advice would be appreciated!!!


Heather said...

THAT is awesomely funny! Each kid has that "aha" moment, and as she gets older you very politely tell her that she can touch her self when she's alone and not in front of other people. Don't make it a big deal, because it only draws more attention to it.
Does that help?
Love you!

Kristi said...

Definitely helps...thankfully that is what I did while George was sitting there with his mouth on the floor! Love kids...they are too darn funny!!