We had another baby doc appointment. I was lucky enough to drink a very fabulous drink that tasted much like a flat orange crush in order to check my sugar levels. I haven't heard any results yet. They told me they would call by Monday if anything was abnormal. I keep my fingers crossed that all is okay, but with the amount of my Aunt Theresa's fudge I ate over the holidays I am not sure I am so confident! As for Nora, her heart rate is right were it is supposed to be; however the doctor did comment that she is measuring a little on the LARGE side. I am not too shocked...after all look at the babies my mom and sister had, but maybe a little bit worried that it may be the sugar stuff. I guess I will know more after the weekend if I am just going to have a big baby or if it is something else. I also had the rhogam shot which was pretty uneventful except for not warning me it was a shot in the behind! They do tell me not to worry...I will be a LOT less modest after the birth. Ha!! Lastly, our latest assignment is to monitor the baby's kicks and movements. Ten movements in two hours is the goal. So far she has been plenty active for me and we more than reach that goal in 30 minutes or less! And George and I are really enjoying taking that time to pay her a little one-on-one attention.
Well, we are on our final trimester...and I think it is going to fly by! With house hunting, childbirth classes, more baby doc appointments...Nora is going to be here before we know it! Yes, we are very excited for her arrival, but right now I really like where she is and she is more than welcome to stay put for 3 more months!!!! Of course the new bet among our workout buddies is when she will make her big appearance and one of them said she is going to be a St. Patty's day baby...I hope he is WRONG! :-)