Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Ever Changing Me

Two months to go and what do I look like? I still have an "inny" however those pesky stretch marks have started to appear out of nowhere. Seriously, I am not sure why they are coming...I had enough pre-pregnancy fat that I should not have to "stretch" anything. Alas, I will take all the time and stretch marks I have with her in my still is the most favorite thing I have ever done!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Beginning to look like me but still have a "little bit" to go. Really you look great and I don't think you're bad at all. Hang in there Nora and make her grow and grow and grow so she catches up with PaPa....Love Dad

Heather said...

You look GREAT!

Anonymous said...

You do look great! Pregnancy certainly agrees with you. Grandma Campeau used to tell me to be proud of those stretch marks. It is certainly all worth it. So glad to hear you've found a house. Hope everything goes smoothly with the sale and you are moved in and settled when Nora makes her arrival. The last two months will fly by. Enjoy!

Love ya,

Aunt Teresa

Anonymous said...

my aunt looks sooo prettyyyyy.

Missy Moo