Friday, May 04, 2007

Growing Like a Weed

Ms. Nora had her 5 week appointment. This was an easy one for both mom and shots, just a check up. All was great! She is already weighing in at 10lbs 7oz and grew a half inch (now 21.5in). It sounded like she grew a ton, but she is only in the 50-75th percentile in weight and 50th percent for length. I still cannot believe how much she has changed, grew, developed in 5 short weeks!!! She is now looking at you when you talk to her, smiling, watching things move if they are close to her head and even telling a story every now and again if you are listening! She's if only we can figure out a nighttime schedule...ah...precious sleep...


Heather said...

Is that Kelsy I see in that shot?!?!?! Remembering pictures of your niece from way back when, Nora certainly looks like her cousin. She's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I just love this picture, those cheeks. She is lucky I'm not there cause I would pinch them hahaha Still can't figure out who she looks like but it doesn't matter cause she's beautiful. Lots of love and hope to see you soon!