Thursday, December 14, 2006

Random Thoughts

I really think Nora is making me a bit of a sap. I have Christmas songs playing both in my car and at work. I was driving home yesterday thinking of this and that and the next thing I know I am tearing up. And for what? Was it simply because I am just this happy and content? Yes, I am still worried over looking for a we even really want to move into the realm of home ownership...are we going to be able to afford all these changes that are going on and still be able to enjoy a dinner out once in a I going to be a good I going to be able to eat chocolate after Christmas...what am I going to get George for Christmas...oh wait a minute...what was that...was that my little girl giving me a swift kick telling me to get over it all and not to worry about it...I think it was...I giggle at the thought of her in there swimming around, getting comfortable, stretching, listening to all my thoughts. Then I cannot wait to hold her, but I am enjoying this time so much while she is mine alone and yet at the same time totally am looking forward to George's face the first time he gets to feel her throw a punch to my tummy! All those other thoughts go away and I begin to wonder what she is going to look like...curly hair, dark hair, no hair, what will be like George and what will be like me. Then I laugh because I realize all those pregnant moms I have known in the past must have thought some things similar to this yet I never had a clue. In the middle of a meeting, when I feel her move, I think everyone should understand the grin I get and why I want to laugh out loud and tell the world that she must have just done the worlds best somersault. Yet everyone else is just sitting there listening, taking notes, making a to-do list and having no idea what a special moment I just had with my daughter. It is totally crazy and great and makes me completely happy and content...there are no worries in the world at that moment.


Anonymous said...

Now you got me crying too--for all the reasons--happy, sad we are not closer, excited, CAN'T WAIT--LOVE YOU

Anonymous said...

Just hang in there a little bit longer and any concerns, fears, delusions you have will no longer be disguised as little bit forms NORA dad

Anonymous said...

All those feelings are normal. Enjoy Lil' Miss Nora while you can still take naps during the day and sleep through the night. Good luck on the house hunting, keep a room ready for me. I plan to come meet my new cousin in April. I bet Danielle is gonna be jealous. haha lil' brat serves her right for being such a Mamma's girl. j/k