Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's Starting...

Nora's arrival that is. The doctor is pleased that things are beginning to progress on their own, but still feels she is on track to be here around her delivery date (March 30) regardless that everyone else says she is going to be here any day. She tells me I am 75% "thinned out" (effaced) and 1cm dilated. The date I have thrown out is March 26th...we'll see how well this whole mother's intuition thing works.


Anonymous said...


I was at Target and saw so much stuff for little Nora....

I really want to go out there so let us hope I start serving soon so I can afford that, summer school and my trip to san marcos. If anything, at least seeing Nora!

Kristi said...

And we would love for you to come visit Nora! I think she would really like it too!!

Anonymous said...

You go Girl! can't wait for my Grand Cousin to arrive. WooHoo

However I was at 1-2 cm for 2 weeks so seeing that she is related to Myndi, she is going to take her sweet time and not to mention my sweet little George likes to take his time as well. I am guessing April 7th. Unless you want to hold out for the next National Holiday which isn't until May 10th (LOL)